DK Management Consultants

Payroll Processing

We are a reputed organization engaged in offering Payroll Processing service to the organizations belonging to different establishment sectors, such as manufacturing, IT etc. Payroll is a legal and the most sensitive document that ensures proper compensation to the employees and generates the legal foundation of the organization with respect HR and Labour Laws. We provide service for the timely processing of the error-free payrolls. We have a highly proficient team of professionals that undertakes designing of proper compensation structure in view of various legal and social aspects. Further, they also work for legal compliance and maintain record under various labor laws as applicable to the establishments.
Compensation Structure
A well-designed Compensation Structure is very essential as it plays a vital role in building employee relation with the employer and ensures employee satisfaction. In order to acquire this, our consultancy provides complete solutions for creating an accurate Compensation Structure. The properly designed Compensation Structure only provide employee satisfaction but also helps the organization to keep a track on proper costing and applications of various laws in terms of employer and the employee.
Compensation Structures & Pay-Roll Processing
Compensation being very sensitive and every body’s concern, it has a very special importance in the success of the organizations and it plays very vital role in employee relations and employee satisfaction field.
Balanced and properly designed compensation structure will ensure employees satisfaction as well as long term social benefits, it will also helps the organization to keep a track of proper costing and applications of various laws applicable to the organization as well employees.
  • Pay-Roll is the legal and most scientific document and timely processed error-free pay-roll creates confidence among the employees.
  • Pay-roll ensures proper compensation to the employees at the end of their wage period and it’s very sensitive document. Any errors in pay-roll might create unrest among the employees and creates hassles in smooth functioning of the organization.
  • We being HR professionals undertake designing of proper compensation structure in view of various legal and social aspect and process the error free pay-roll and create confidence among the employees.
  • We also undertake proper legal compliance and record maintenance under various labour laws as applicable to the industry or business center.